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Meet our Athletic Secretary

Mrs. Lesa (Price) Baker graduated from Engadine High School in 1984. 
Since that time, she has been employed at Engadine Schools for over 25 years as K-12 Secretary.  In addition, she has had the Athletic Secretary role for over 24 years.  
As an Athletic Secretary, Mrs. Baker is usually the first voice of the Athletic Department.  Mrs. Baker works closely with the Michigan High School Athletic Association to ensure physical forms are current, as well as determine whether any important changes have been made.  She also keeps on-file in the high school office all mandatory physical forms of students who plan to participate or participate in athletics at school.  In addition, Mrs. Baker prepares and designs all certificates and awards that our athletes receive at each of the three Sports Banquets, Fall--Winter--and Spring, that are hosted by the Athletic Boosters.  She also orders trophies, chenille letters, pins, service bars and engravings.  Parents' Night becomes a special event because she makes sure flowers are ordered.  Mrs. Baker prepares Sports passes for families, individuals and district games.    ....and the list goes on.  Engadine Athletics thanks you for all you do!
Mrs. Baker and her husband, Randy '77, have raised two children, Jennifer '01 and Shane '08, and are grandparents of two.